Launching The Pokhara Project
Apr 3, 2024 | News
On Saturday 23 March, we successfully launched The Pokhara Project as part of our annual Give Freedom Foundation Dinner. It was a memorable event and a great opportunity to meet our valued Give Freedom Foundation members, plus a few new faces, too.
Rajendra and Sarah Gautam, joint founders of 3 Angels Nepal, travelled all the way from Nepal to inspire those who were able to attend through honest stories of resilience, strength and dedication.
As part of the launch, we were excited to share the first glimpse of our highly anticipated Pokhara Project products—a series of crafted folders, booklets and proposals that have since been leveraged as fundraising and information tools to broaden our supporter base.

Essentially, we have created a suite of resources to help capture the holistic nature of The Pokhara Project and to reach our funding targets. They include:
- Booklets that reflect our 7 cause-driven international development objectives: Education, Sustainability, Children, Women, Health, Protection, Water and Sanitation.
- Proposals for each cause-driven objective that require funding, allowing you to choose the life-changing solution that appeals to you most.
- A dedicated website that provides an intuitive and comprehensive user experience and access to our full range of cause-driven proposals, downloadable digital versions of each cause-driven booklet, corresponding videos and so much more.
We are excited by the next phase in our journey as a growing Australian-based charity and invite you to take a look at the website for yourself. We hope you are excited by it too.