Funding progress

  • 29%

Funding progress

  • 29%

The Pokhara Project

The Pokhara Project is a sustainable building development designed to increase the capacity and impact of established anti-human trafficking work. It will include a self-funding school, women’s safe haven, vulnerable children’s homes, a community medical centre and vocational training facilities, all designed to bring new life and hope back to those who have been trafficked.

The Pokhara Project
Stage 1 Construction

We are excited to announce the first stage of a staged construction approach to expedite 3 Angels Nepal into their new home.

We invite you to navigate our comprehensive map that brings to life the various buildings and elements of The Pokhara Project.


Dotted lines represent future expansion of the development site to accommodate the predicted growth of 3 Angels Nepal. Solid lines will be constructed as part of The Pokhara Project.

Download The Pokhara Project Booklet

To learn more about our sustainable building development and how it will increase the capacity and impact of our field partner, read The Pokhara Project booklet here. 

Support The Pokhara Project Today!

Give Freedom - 100% Funding Model

Thank you! Your generosity today will take us a critical step towards achieving our goal of fully funding The Pokhara Project. All Australian donations are fully tax deductible—and 100% will go directly to the field.

Give Freedom’s program focus is infrastructure and capacity-building work, known as The Pokhara Project, in partnership with 3 Angels Nepal. While all proposals reflect the final intent for the Pokhara Project, the changing needs of our Field Partner, the budget available and the complex nature of international development projects mean adaptations to the Pokhara Project may need to be made from time to time to achieve the best outcomes for our Field Partner, 3 Angels Nepal, at any given time. Give Freedom International reserves the right to make adaptations to the Pokhara Project to respond to these needs from time to time. 

Read full disclaimer.

While every endeavour is made to ensure price points accurately reflect program costs, fluctuations in exchange rates, cost of building materials and unforeseen global events may impact the financial cost of implementation. Therefore, all funds raised will be pooled to cover The Pokhara Project development as a whole. 

Please note that a limited proportion of these funds may be directed to disaster relief and other emergency support for our Field Partner prior to the completion of their new facilities. We guarantee that 100% of your gift goes to the field.

Pokhara Project News

Read the latest stories and developments on The Pokhara Project.

This is how we Celebrate!

This is how we Celebrate!

Break out the confetti because we now have a Celebration page! We love celebrating the wins. That’s because every fundraising goal we kick brings us one step closer to completing Stage 1 Construction and The Pokhara Project as a whole…

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Launching The Pokhara Project

Launching The Pokhara Project

On Saturday 23 March, we successfully launched The Pokhara Project as part of our annual Give Freedom Foundation Dinner. It was a memorable event and a great opportunity to meet our valued Give Freedom Foundation members, plus a few new…

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The Pokhara Project: A Staged Approach

The Pokhara Project: A Staged Approach

We are excited to implement a staged build approach for The Pokhara Project—a positive initiative for many reasons, including the potential for 3 Angels Nepal to move into their new home sooner–a self-owned, self-sustaining facility. Stage 1 Construction is…

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is The Pokhara Project?

The Pokhara Project is a sustainable building development being delivered in partnership with 3 Angels Nepal and generous supporters like you. The project is located in the trafficking hotspot of Pokhara, Nepal. Once complete, it will include a self-funding school, women’s safe haven, vulnerable children’s homes, a community medical centre and vocational training facilities.

Why are new facilities needed in Pokhara?

Our Field Partner’s existing facilities in Pokhara have served their community well for more than a decade. When repairs and rent payments were required, generous supporters like you helped to meet this need. However, our Field Partner has now reached a critical make-or-break point in their work.

For outreach and impact to continue to grow, larger and more sustainable facilities are essential.

Here’s why:

  • Some existing facilities are rented spaces–and rental costs are increasing each year. Your support will enable our Field Partner to become self-sufficient, directing future funds into growing their programs for women and at-risk children.
  • The existing facilities have reached maximum capacity. The 3 Angels Nepal school is now at bursting point. Your support will allow a larger, self-funding school to be constructed, alongside a new women’s safe haven, vulnerable children’s homes, a community medical centre and vocational training facilities.

As services expand, better security and operational facilities are crucial. Centralising our Field Partner’s work within one sustainable site will enable more efficient day-to-day operations and provide a more secure environment for the women and children to take part in the full breadth of 3 Angels Nepal’s programs.

What will happen to the current facilities?

The current safe haven will be sold and funds directed back into the running of 3 Angels Nepal’s programs. Leases on school buildings and vulnerable children’s homes will be terminated. Together, these steps will support our Field Partner’s dream of self-sufficiency.

When will construction for The Pokhara Project start?

Short answer: as soon as possible! Realistically, it may be a few years before we can begin construction. The land for the new facilities has been purchased, architectural designs are ready to go, and vital engineering works to stabilise the riverbank have been completed. Now we need to raise the funds needed to complete the build.

To ensure the most efficient and cost-effective building process, we won’t commence construction until our funding targets have been reached. The sooner we reach our funding goal, the sooner we can begin.