Launching The Pokhara Project

Launching The Pokhara Project

NEWS & UPDATES Launching The Pokhara Project Apr 3, 2024 | News On Saturday 23 March, we successfully launched The Pokhara Project as part of our annual Give Freedom Foundation Dinner.  It was a memorable event and a great opportunity to meet our valued Give Freedom...
The Pokhara Project: A Staged Approach

The Pokhara Project: A Staged Approach

NEWS & UPDATES The Pokhara Project: A Staged Approach Mar 6, 2024 | News For years our Field Partner, 3 Angels Nepal, has run their rescue and restoration programs from poorly constructed, rented buildings that require costly maintenance, particularly after damaging...
Riverworks are Complete!

Riverworks are Complete!

NEWS & UPDATES Riverworks are Complete! Feb 15, 2024 | News The riverworks are done and we are so excited to bring you this news! What a journey it has been, with challenges that took time and patience to navigate and overcome. This is a great cause for celebration as...
Our 2023 Year in Review

Our 2023 Year in Review

Our Year in Review 2023   We continue to partner with communities at risk of human trafficking to deliver life-changing and sustainable development projects. Our current mission is to complete The Pokhara Project. Let’s look back over the past twelve months and...
Riverworks Update

Riverworks Update

NEWS & UPDATES Riverworks Update Sep 28, 2023 | News Preparing for The Pokhara Project development has been an inspiring endeavour that has engaged local expertise to provide solutions to some of our biggest challenges.  Stabilising the banks of the Seti River ahead...
This is What Impact Looks Like

This is What Impact Looks Like

NEWS & UPDATES This is What Impact Looks Like August 31, 2023 | News Since their inception, 3 Angels Nepal has worked tirelessly to care for women and children who have been trafficked or are at-risk in Nepal.  The past year has seen remarkable accomplishments...