The Pokhara Project Milestones

Follow all the latest progress in Pokhara

The Pokhara Project is now underway in Nepal thanks to your support!

You’ll find the latest updates about The Pokhara Project below. More information will be added as the project unfolds.

Project Milestones

Key: Complete Planned

Purchase Land

70 Ropani (almost 9 acres) of land along the Seti River at the foothills of the Annapurna Ranges were secured in stages between 2015 and 2019

Land and Geotechnical Surveys

Completed in two stages in 2015 and 2017 to support architectural planning

Stakeholder Engagement

Extensive meetings and planning between 3 Angels Nepal, Architects and all stakeholders to prepare the design brief

Draft Architectural Masterplan

Completed in 2018 by True North Architects (Central Coast, Australia) and John Sanday Associates (Kathmandu, Nepal)

Detailed Designs

Detailed architectural plans for all buildings and homes completed, and the expansion of the Masterplan to include the women’s safe haven and 3 Angels Nepal offices

Electrical, Sanitation and Hydrological Design

Completed in March 2020

Riverworks Survey

Detailed surveys required to facilitate riverworks design and structural plans

Riverworks Design and Construction

Stabilisation of the riverbank by building a retaining wall and draining excess surface water on site

Architectural and Structural Plans Approval

Submit final plans to local municipality, 3 year approval given to commence building (this will be undertaken when funding goal for construction is reached)

Bill of Quantities

Updated bill of quantities produced to confirm projected costs

Building Contract to Tender

The build will be put out to tender and a local builder and independent project manager will be confirmed

Groundworks—Water, Sanitation, Roads

Core infrastructure and services such as water, sanitation, structural landscaping and roads

Commence Construction

Start building works in September of planned construction year (ideal timing in Nepal due to monsoon season)

Complete Construction

End building works

Official Opening

Opening of the 3 Angels school, women’s safe haven and vocational training centre, vulnerable children’s homes and community medical centre

Site Expansion Planning

Plan next steps to expand school capacity to 800+ students, including additional vocational training facilities and shared community spaces

Frequently Asked Questions


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What is The Pokhara Project?

The Pokhara Project is a sustainable building project being delivered in partnership with 3 Angels Nepal and generous supporters like you. The project is located in the trafficking hotspot of Pokhara, Nepal. Once complete, the building will include a self-funding school, women’s safe haven, vulnerable children’s homes, a community medical centre and vocational training facilities.

Read more about The Pokhara Project or make a tax-deductible gift.

Why are new facilities needed in Pokhara?

Our Field Partner’s existing facilities in Pokhara have served their community well for more than a decade. When repairs and rent payments were required, generous supporters like you helped to meet this need. However, our Field Partner has now reached a critical make-or-break point in their work.

For outreach and impact to continue to grow, larger and more sustainable facilities are essential.

Here’s why:

  • The existing facilities are rented spaces—and rental costs are increasing each year. This has become an unsustainable financial drain for our Field Partner, and significantly capped their growth and outreach. Your support will enable our Field Partner to become self-sufficient, directing future funds into growing their programs for women and at-risk children.


  • The existing facilities have reached maximum capacity. The 3 Angels School, which opened in 2011 with just a handful of children, is now at bursting point. Your support will allow a larger, self-funding school to be constructed, as well as a new women’s safe haven, vulnerable children’s homes, a community medical centre and vocational training facilities.


  • As services expand, better security and operational facilities are crucial. The Pokhara Project will centralise our Field Partner’s work within one sustainable site. This will not only enable more efficient day-to-day operations, it will also provide a more safe and secure environment for all the women and at-risk children that participate in the full breadth of 3 Angels Nepal’s programs.


Read more about the Pokhara Project or make a tax-deductible gift.

What will happen to the current women’s safe haven in Pokhara?

We fundraised for the purchase of the current women’s safe haven and adjoining block of land back in 2011. Moving out of rented facilities gave our Field Partner, 3 Angels Nepal, much needed stability and security. When the new facility is built, the current safe haven home will be sold and the funds will be directed back into the running of 3 Angels Nepal’s programs and support their dream of self-sufficiency.

Read more about The Pokhara Project or make a tax-deductible gift.

When will construction for the Pokhara Project start?

Short answer: as soon as possible! Realistically, it may be a few years before we can begin construction. The land has been purchased, and the architectural designs are ready to go. Now we need to raise the funds needed to complete the build. To ensure the most efficient and cost-effective building process, we won’t commence construction until The Pokhara Project is fully funded. The sooner we reach our funding goal, the sooner we can begin—the ideal time to start building works in Nepal is in September of any given year, due to the monsoon season.

Read more about The Pokhara Project or make a tax-deductible gift.

Will the new facilities in Pokhara be sustainable?

Yes! We always prioritise financial and environmental sustainability, with the goal of delivering projects that can be locally managed and maintained for many generations to come. It is important to us that our Field Partners are the owners of their own projects, both now and in the future. Your support will build our Field Partners’ capacity, resources, and impact until they’re ready to self-sustain their program activities without our help.

Find out how our Field Partners are selected.