Water & Sanitation fund tracker

  • 39%

Give women and children clean water, sanitation and hygiene.

Water & Sanitation fund tracker

  • 39%

Water & Sanitation

Give freedom to women and children by helping us build new water, sanitation and hygiene facilities.

10.8 million

people in Nepal don’t have
access to improved sanitation


of household water is
contaminated with E-Coli


of households are
connected to a sewer system

Everyone deserves to drink clean water.

Stage 1 Need

WASH Advocate


Stage 1 Need



Water and Sanitation

$1.3 million

Double Chamber Septic Tank


1000 Litre Vertical Water Tank


1000 Litre Hot Water Tank


100 Litre Solar Water Heater


There are currently no partially funded products for Water and Sanitation. Newly part-funded products will be updated here so please check back again soon.

“Everything was clean and there was clean running water at the house, it was like I was in the royal family.”

Raju walked for hours every day to collect water for his family. A return trip to his village years later revealed several girls had been trafficked from the very spring he used to visit.

Download our WASH booklet

To learn more about the issues women and children face in Nepal and what the new water, sanitation and hygiene facilities will include, read our WASH booklet here.

Give the gift of water, sanitation and hygiene today.

Give Freedom - 100% Funding Model

Thank you! Your generosity today will provide water, sanitation and hygiene facilities for vulnerable women and children. All Australian donations are fully tax deductible—and 100% will go directly to the field.

Give Freedom’s program focus is infrastructure and capacity-building work, known as The Pokhara Project, in partnership with 3 Angels Nepal. While all proposals reflect the final intent for the Pokhara Project, the changing needs of our Field Partner, the budget available and the complex nature of international development projects mean adaptations to the Pokhara Project may need to be made from time to time to achieve the best outcomes for our Field Partner, 3 Angels Nepal, at any given time. Give Freedom International reserves the right to make adaptations to the Pokhara Project to respond to these needs from time to time. 

Read full disclaimer.

While every endeavour is made to ensure price points accurately reflect program costs, fluctuations in exchange rates, cost of building materials and unforeseen global events may impact the financial cost of implementation. Therefore, all funds raised will be pooled to cover The Pokhara Project development as a whole. 

Please note that a limited proportion of these funds may be directed to disaster relief and other emergency support for our Field Partner prior to the completion of their new facilities. We guarantee that 100% of your gift goes to the field.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hidden to keep accordion closed.
Where will the water for the new facilities come from?

Surveys have identified underwater freshwater which engineers will drill into using a borehole. This water will be pumped up to ground level where it will be purified and stored in water tanks.

Why are safe toilets so important?

Many of the women and children who arrive at 3 Angels Nepal have suffered from extreme trauma and been denied basic privacy, forced to defecate in the open or in unclean latrines. The absence of proper facilities compromises their privacy, leaving them vulnerable to harassment and violence.

Safe toilets provide a secure and private space for women and children to meet their sanitation needs, safeguarding their dignity and wellbeing.

Tell me more about the riverworks.

Before building for The Pokhara Project can start, the river banks must be stabilised and excess water drained from the site. This is because every year the Seti River floods. This flooding dumps excess sediment along the riverbed and banks, and causes land around it to flood.

Upstream deforestation and farming also cause obstructions to the natural flow of the river. Left unchecked, these would compromise the land.

Site surveys conducted by hydrology and geotechnical engineers have identified the most effective design of spurs and revetments to stabilise and protect the riverbank. These will keep flood water away from vulnerable banks, reduce the amount of debris deposited on the riverbed and absorb the river’s energy. Together they will protect the land from further erosion and ensure 3 Angels Nepal’s new facilities are sustainable long into the future.

Water and Sanitation is one of the seven key international development objectives of The Pokhara Project. This life-changing venture will also include a self-funding school, vulnerable children’s homes, a women’s safe haven, community medical centre and vocational training facilities, all designed to bring new life and hope back into the lives of those who were trafficked.

Click here to explore the other international development objectives.

Water and Sanitation is one of the seven key international development objectives of The Pokhara Project. This life-changing venture will also include a self-funding school, vulnerable children’s homes, a women’s safe haven and vocational training facilities, all designed to bring new life and hope back into the lives of those who were trafficked.

Click here to explore the other international development objectives.