Education fund tracker

  • 19%

Give the gift of education today.

Education fund tracker

  • 19%


Give kids an education by helping us build a new school campus where trafficked and at-risk children will be free to learn and gain the skills they need to thrive.

1 in 3 victims

of human trafficking
is a school-aged child

770,000 children

aged 5-12 years are
out of school in Nepal

Only 11%

of Nepali school buildings
are earthquake resistant

Every child deserves the right to an education.

Stage 1 need

Education Advocate


Stage 1 need

Sporting Sponsor


Hospitality Centre

$125,902 [250,000]

Classroom Sponsor


Lower Kindergarten Classroom


Science Lab (1 of 2)


Patron of the Arts


Primary School

$1.5 million

Secondary School

$2.5 million

Year 2 Classrooms


Year 3 Classrooms


Teacher’s Staff Room

$100,000 [$150,000]

“I never thought I would go to school, but now it is the best part of my day.”

Ditya was rescued from a childhood of exploitation and cruelty and given a future of hope by our Field Partner.

Download our education booklet

To learn more about the issues children face in Nepal, human trafficking, and what the school will look like, read our Education booklet here.

Give the gift of education today.

Give Freedom - 100% Funding Model
Thank you! Your generosity today will help build a new school campus where trafficked and at-risk children will be free to learn and gain the skills they need to thrive. All Australian donations are fully tax deductible—and 100% will go directly to the field.

Give Freedom’s program focus is infrastructure and capacity-building work, known as The Pokhara Project, in partnership with 3 Angels Nepal. While all proposals reflect the final intent for the Pokhara Project, the changing needs of our Field Partner, the budget available and the complex nature of international development projects mean adaptations to the Pokhara Project may need to be made from time to time to achieve the best outcomes for our Field Partner, 3 Angels Nepal, at any given time. Give Freedom International reserves the right to make adaptations to the Pokhara Project to respond to these needs from time to time. 

Read full disclaimer.
While every endeavour is made to ensure price points accurately reflect program costs, fluctuations in exchange rates, cost of building materials and unforeseen global events may impact the financial cost of implementation. Therefore, all funds raised will be pooled to cover The Pokhara Project development as a whole. 

Please note that a limited proportion of these funds may be directed to disaster relief and other emergency support for our Field Partner prior to the completion of their new facilities. We guarantee that 100% of your gift goes to the field.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why is the new school campus needed?
The current 3 Angels Nepal school operates out of rented buildings and continues to equip 3 Angels Nepal to serve trafficked and at-risk children. 

Give Freedom’s goal is to increase the capacity and impact of established, locally-run NGOs like 3 Angels Nepal, through sustainable infrastructure projects.

The new school campus will secure the rescue and rehabilitation work of 3 Angels Nepal for the long term.

What will happen to the current school?
Once students have moved into the new campus, the lease on the current school will be terminated. This means the new school will be 100% locally owned and operated, which in turn will significantly reduce overheads for our Field Partner as they no-longer have high rent, maintenance or energy bills to cover.

Your help building the new, energy efficient school will therefore free up valuable funds to use on other projects supporting trafficked and at-risk children.

Will the new school be sustainable?
Yes! Architects have purposefully planned the buildings and infrastructure to ensure their longevity using earthquake proof engineering and passive solar principles.

High quality building materials will maintain the structural integrity long into the future and the project will be locally managed and maintained.

All these factors mean 3 Angels Nepal will be the owner of this school now and for generations to come.

Education is one of the seven key international development objectives of The Pokhara Project. This life-changing venture will also include a women’s safe haven, vulnerable children’s homes, a community medical centre and vocational training facilities, all designed to bring new life and hope back into the lives of those who were trafficked.

Click here to explore the other international development objectives.

Education is one of the seven key international development objectives of The Pokhara Project. This life-changing venture will also include a women’s safe haven, vulnerable children’s homes, a community medical centre and vocational training facilities, all designed to bring new life and hope back into the lives of those who were trafficked.

Click here to explore the other international development objectives.