Children fund tracker

  • 23%

Help us build vulnerable children’s homes in Nepal.

Children fund tracker

  • 23%


Help build new vulnerable children’s homes for girls and boys who have been rescued from trafficking, or who need protection from high-risk situations.

1.1 million

Nepali children were in
child labour in 2018

Globally 27%

of trafficking victims
are children


of Nepali children are still deprived
of at least one of seven basic needs.

Every child deserves a safe place to live.

Stage 1 Need

Vulnerable Children’s Advocate


Āśā House


Māyā House


Viśvāsa House


Śakti House


Vulnerable Children’s Homes



$2.3 million

Vulnerable Children’s Homes:
Get Us Over the Line


There are currently no partially funded products for Children. Newly part-funded products will be updated here so please check back again soon. 

“My prayers were answered and I got a new family–3 Angels Nepal.”

Monorohi was abandoned by her parents at just five-years-old and spent two years living on the streets, before being rescued by 3 Angels Nepal.

Download our children booklet

To learn more about the issues children face in Nepal, human trafficking, and what the vulnerable children’s homes will look like, read our Children booklet here.

Give children a safe place to live.

Give Freedom - 100% Funding Model

Thank you! Your generosity today will help build vulnerable children’s homes where rescued and at-risk children can find safety and restore their lives. All Australian donations are fully tax deductible—and 100% will go directly to the field.

Give Freedom’s program focus is infrastructure and capacity-building work, known as The Pokhara Project, in partnership with 3 Angels Nepal. While all proposals reflect the final intent for the Pokhara Project, the changing needs of our Field Partner, the budget available and the complex nature of international development projects mean adaptations to the Pokhara Project may need to be made from time to time to achieve the best outcomes for our Field Partner, 3 Angels Nepal, at any given time. Give Freedom International reserves the right to make adaptations to the Pokhara Project to respond to these needs from time to time. 

Read full disclaimer.

While every endeavour is made to ensure price points accurately reflect program costs, fluctuations in exchange rates, cost of building materials and unforeseen global events may impact the financial cost of implementation. Therefore, all funds raised will be pooled to cover The Pokhara Project development as a whole. 

Please note that a limited proportion of these funds may be directed to disaster relief and other emergency support for our Field Partner prior to the completion of their new facilities. We guarantee that 100% of your gift goes to the field.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why are new vulnerable children’s homes needed?

Our Field Partner has been successfully operating their vulnerable children’s homes in Pokhara since 2004. Over the years, the homes have given hundreds of children a place to live, play and learn while they recover from the trauma of trafficking.

In recent years, the cost to run the homes has increased significantly–mainly due to increasing rent. Some landlords refuse to rent their properties to children who have experienced sexual exploitation, choosing to distance themselves from the prevailing stigma attached to trafficking victims. Others are willing to rent their properties–but for a greatly increased cost.

The cost to maintain the rented homes poses another ongoing challenge for our Field Partner. The buildings are typically older and require constant repairs, costing our Field Partner dearly each year.

Do the vulnerable children’s homes operate like orphanages?

No, the vulnerable children’s homes are not orphanages. The homes provide safe accommodation and holistic support—such as healthcare and access to formal schooling—for children who have been rescued from trafficking, or who are at high risk of being trafficked. Our Field Partner’s top priority is always for children to return to their families if it is safe for them to do so.

Will the new homes be sustainable?

Yes! Architects have purposefully planned the buildings and infrastructure to ensure their longevity using earthquake proof engineering and passive solar principles.

High quality building materials will maintain the structural integrity long into the future and the project will be locally managed and maintained. All these factors mean 3 Angels Nepal will be the owner of these new homes now and for generations to come.

Children are one of the seven key international development objectives of The Pokhara Project. This life-changing venture will also include a self-funding school, women’s safe haven, vocational training facilities and a community medical centre, all designed to bring new life and hope back into the lives of those who were trafficked.

Click here to explore the other international development objectives.

Children are one of the seven key international development objectives of The Pokhara Project. This life-changing venture will also include a self-funding school, women’s safe haven, vocational training facilities and a community medical centre, all designed to bring new life and hope back into the lives of those who were trafficked.

Click here to explore the other international development objectives.