Our Year in Review 2024

It has been a year of incredible achievements for which we are so grateful. Our cherished supporters like you have played, and continue to play, a vital role in everything Give Freedom achieves. Let’s take a look at the past twelve months and celebrate everything we have accomplished together on our mission to complete The Pokhara Project.

“The past year has seen us become more known and trusted as an Australian-based charity working to educate and fight human trafficking. This has all been made possible by you, our supporters, who relentlessly stand with us to achieve the seemingly impossible: a world free from human trafficking.”

Steve and Robyn Raymond
Founders and Directors
Give Freedom International

We have seen positive strategic advancements and growth, and we’re excited to report that all our strategic goals have been met – and hit out of the ballpark.
Dive into the details here.

Where We Have Come From

Looking to the future feels even more exciting when we realise just how far we’ve come. This past financial year has been one of incredible progress.

Establishing Strong Foundations

Building comprehensive policies, systems, practices and resources, and an agile team of experts. 

Operational Funding

Growing our Give Freedom Foundation to cover administrative costs and power our 100% Giving Model.

Program Funding

Completing comprehensive resources for every aspect of The Pokhara Project to share with all supporters, donors and partners, and grow funding for the project. All funds raised go to the field.

Riverworks are Complete

Stabilising the 250-metre stretch of the Seti River adjacent to The Pokhara Project site to provide erosion protection and sturdy earthquake-proof foundations.

The Pokhara Project Launch

Developing dedicated Pokhara Project resources that will be leveraged to expand our donor base and share the need with all supporters.

Pivot to Staged Approach

Stage 1 Construction is the first exciting step to completing The Pokhara Project as a whole. 

Where We Are Going

Exciting times are ahead as we prepare to move towards starting construction of Stage 1 of The Pokhara Project. Fundamental to the success of The Pokhara Project is the need to expand our networks and our donor base.

Every single dollar goes to the field

Our 100 % Giving Model sets us apart in the non-profit arena.

When we say 100% of every gift goes directly to our international development work, that is exactly what happens. This is a promise made possible thanks to our Give Freedom Foundation, a small group of incredible private donors that cover all our fundraising and administration costs so that, big or small, your gift has maximum impact.

Launching The Pokhara Project

In March 2024, after a lot of careful planning, we launched The Pokhara Project as part of our annual Give Freedom Foundation dinner. Attendees interacted with our customised suite of professionally produced resources—the result of months of hard work and the cumulation of our collective efforts.

Launching The Pokhara Project

In March 2024, after a lot of careful planning, we launched The Pokhara Project as part of our annual Give Freedom Foundation dinner. Attendees interacted with our customised suite of professionally produced resources—the result of months of hard work and the cumulation of our collective efforts.

The Pokhara Project Resources

An expertly designed integration of booklets, cause-driven proposals, videos and more, that serve as fundraising and information tools primarily used one-on-one to further the awareness of and trust in the charity, as well as broaden our supporter base—our reach and our increase. 

Bringing all this together is an intuitive website where visitors can find everything they need on The Pokhara Project and our 7 international development objectives: Education, Sustainability, Children, Women, Health, Protection, and Water and Sanitation.

Our Field Partnership

The partnership between Give Freedom International and 3 Angels Nepal continues to grow stronger and deeper. This is especially important as The Pokhara Project develops and the official launch approaches.

Your support makes amazing things happen. While there’s no doubt that our Field Partner has faced many challenges this year the outcomes below highlight your impact and the incredible work of 3 Angels Nepal even in the face of adversity.



people were rescued from slavery or had the trafficking process intercepted by 3 Angels Nepal.

freedom icon


people received anti-trafficking training through a youth-led awareness program that reached the army, police, schools and border security forces.

safe children


were provided safe alternative housing where they can laugh, play, grow and thrive.



students received education at the 3 Angels School, preparing them for a brighter future.

women's safe haven


new women were given refuge at the 3 Angels Nepal safe haven–where they received care, education, and vocational training.


people were rescued from slavery or had the trafficking process intercepted by 3 Angels Nepal.


young people received anti-trafficking training through a youth-led awareness program that reached the army, police, schools and border security forces.


children are living in safe alternative housing where they can laugh, play, grow and thrive.


students received education at the 3 Angels School, preparing them for a brighter future.


new women were given refuge at the 3 Angels Nepal safe haven—where they received care, education, and vocational training.

Rajendra and Sarah’s Promotional Tour

Rajendra and Sarah Gautam touched down in Australia on a warm day in March, a little over a week before Give Freedom’s annual Foundation dinner and the launch of The Pokhara Project. In the days following their arrival, Rajendra and Sarah ran a promotional gauntlet of speaking engagements that included schools, churches and radio interviews. They inspired many who met them, including all of us here at Give Freedom.

Rajendra and Sarah’s Promotional Tour

Rajendra and Sarah Gautam touched down in Australia on a warm day in March, a little over a week before Give Freedom’s annual Foundation dinner and the launch of The Pokhara Project. In the days following their arrival, Rajendra and Sarah ran a promotional gauntlet of speaking engagements that included schools, churches and radio interviews. They inspired many who met them, including all of us here at Give Freedom.

Learn more about Rajendra and Sarah

“This is my second home and a lot of Australians are very warmly supporting our work. We love it here.”


Rajendra Gautam
3 Angels Nepal

Riverworks Are Complete!

In April 2023, riverworks were initiated to stabilise the banks of the Seti River ahead of The Pokhara Project development. This crucial reinforcement of the 250-metre stretch of river adjacent to The Pokhara Project site is integral to the site’s sturdy earthquake-proof foundations. Ten months later, in February 2024, this incredible feat of engineering was complete—a great cause for celebration.

It now means:

1. The vulnerable banks of the Seti River will be protected from being washed away.
2. The base of the adjacent cliff will no longer be eroded when the Seti River floods.
3. The building site for The Pokhara Project is earthquake-proof and safe from further damage.

Welcome to Our New Managing Director!

We want to welcome Give Freedom’s new Managing Director, Jordana Morrison, who joined us in June 2024. We are excited to have her as part of the team. Read more about her in our annual report.

“I am honoured that I can do my small part to help make a difference and contribute to the rescue, rehabilitation, and prevention of human trafficking.”

Stage 1 Construction

Stage 1 Construction is the first exciting step to completing The Pokhara Project as a whole. It will provide 3 Angels Nepal with fundamental operational facilities such as classrooms, a dining hall, the women’s safe haven, vulnerable children’s homes and a medical centre–everything they need for their beneficiaries to be safe and holistically thrive. 

We are excited to implement a staged build approach—a positive initiative for many reasons, including the potential for 3 Angels Nepal to move into their new home sooner; a self-owned, self-sustaining facility.

Your Impact

The financial year of 2024 has been one of astounding growth for Give Freedom, with an impressive 145 per cent increase in overall revenue. It is an extraordinary achievement and we cannot thank you enough for your support in achieving this.

Once again, we are forever thankful to our generous supporters—this simply isn’t possible without you!

Read more about our program and operational expenditure here.

We continue to hold transparency and accountability at the heart of our operations at Give Freedom, including our financial management. 

Download a PDF of our 2024 Annual Report by clicking here or request a printed copy by completing the form below.