Our News
From the Field – Creating Rights, Equality and Empowerment
In this inspiring reflection Sarah shares about her visit to graduates from the Women’s Safe Haven, a home providing long-term safety, physical and mental health care and ongoing support for women and girls rescued from human trafficking…
Our 2024 Year in Review
It has been a year of incredible achievements at Give Freedom, and we are so grateful. Let’s take a look at the past twelve months and celebrate everything we have accomplished together on our mission to complete The Pokhara Project.
Our 2024 Christmas Appeal
Give Freedom has launched an appeal to help give the gift of education to at-risk children in Nepal. Our Christmas Appeal is focusing on raising funds for our Field Partner, 3 Angels Nepal, to fund Stage One of The Pokhara Project. Their facilities…
Updates from 3 Angels Nepal
In the face of adversity our Field Partner 3 Angels Nepal has continued to fight for the vulnerable women and children at risk of being trafficked and sold into slavery. The year has sadly seen escalating global conflict and increasing financial uncertainty…
This is how we Celebrate!
Break out the confetti because we now have a Celebration page! We love celebrating the wins. That’s because every fundraising goal we kick brings us one step closer to completing Stage 1 Construction and The Pokhara Project as a whole…
Launching The Pokhara Project
On Saturday 23 March, we successfully launched The Pokhara Project as part of our annual Give Freedom Foundation Dinner. It was a memorable event and a great opportunity to meet our valued Give Freedom Foundation members, plus a few new…
The Pokhara Project: A Staged Approach
We are excited to implement a staged build approach for The Pokhara Project—a positive initiative for many reasons, including the potential for 3 Angels Nepal to move into their new home sooner–a self-owned, self-sustaining facility. Stage 1 Construction is…
Riverworks are Complete!
The riverworks are complete and we are so excited to bring you this news! What a journey it has been, with challenges that took time and patience to navigate and overcome. This is a great cause for celebration as completion of the riverworks means that…
Our 2023 Year in Review
We continue to partner with communities at risk of human trafficking to deliver life-changing and sustainable development projects. Our current mission is to complete The Pokhara Project. Let’s look back over the past twelve months and celebrate everything…
Riverworks Update
We are thrilled to bring you this update on the progress of the riverworks to stabilise the banks of the Seti River ahead of The Pokhara Project development. It’s a vital feat of engineering that enforces the riverbanks and the very foundations of the land on…
This is What Impact Looks Like
Since their inception, 3 Angels Nepal has worked tirelessly to care for women and children who have been trafficked or are at-risk in Nepal. The past year has seen remarkable accomplishments that are a testament to the importance of the work they do and…
Leave No One Behind
Today we mark World Day Against Trafficking in Persons and share what we and our Field Partner are doing to make sure no-one is left behind. The international day is marked annually on 30 July and is an opportunity for people to understand the harms…
Our Emergency Appeal
Give Freedom has launched an emergency appeal to help trafficked children in Nepal. Our end of financial year campaign is focusing on raising urgent funds for our Field Partner, 3 Angels Nepal, who desperately need help keeping vulnerable children safe, nurtured…
Riverworks Are Underway
Important riverworks to stabilise the banks of the Seti River ahead of The Pokhara Project development have begun. This vital step will reinforce the 250 metre stretch of river adjacent to the Pokhara Project site and will form a key part of the site’s sturdy…
Celebrating International Women’s Day
As part of International Women’s Day, we recognise the incredible work of the women in our organisation and the courage of those they help. Give Freedom International and our Field Partner, 3 Angels Nepal, are led by a trio of remarkable women. Together…
New Whiteboards for 3 Angels School
Recent gifts from generous supporters have allowed 3 Angels Nepal school to buy five new digital whiteboards and projectors. The purchase is in response to a growing need for improved technology at the school and will benefit all students aged four…
Our Visit to Nepal
Give Freedom founders Steve and Robyn Raymond have spent a week in Nepal visiting our Field Partner. They were accompanied by managing director Kath Kable and marketing director Shelly McKewin, who together saw first hand the incredible work…
Our 2022 Year in Review
Our vision to see a world free from human trafficking remained at the forefront of everything we did this year. It was a year of incredible growth for Give Freedom, so let’s take a moment to look back over the past twelve months and celebrate everything we…
Our Support During COVID-19
Worldwide, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still being felt deeply. 2022 has also seen escalating global conflict, along with increasing financial difficulties for families both here in Australia and abroad. In Nepal, our Field Partner suffered the…
New Bus for 3 Angels Nepal School
This year your support enabled us to buy a brand-new school bus for 3 Angels Nepal. Previously the 3 Angels school had been using two buses to transport students to and from class each day. After serving the school for many years, often in rural conditions...